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The final is Thursday, December 9th, 9-11 am in our usual room (SAT 101).
(Note: starting time is a half-hour before our usual class time, and ending time a half hour later).
A one-sided 8 1/2 by 11'' sheet of notes is allowed in the exam room.
Remember, you can take the final or an alternative assignment:
A)paper on The Temptations of Jesus, complete instructions on bottom of this post;
B)"Temple Tantrum: Three Worlds" paper, see instructions bottom of this post)
If you have an interest in doing an extended Three Worlds paper on a different text in Matthew, or on a topic related to class, let me know, and I will consider approving it
After this deadly serious devotional, all exam questions will be listed:
1)List, or chart out several of the differences between Greek and Hebrew thought, according to the chart found here (or by clicking on "Thinking Hebrew" tab at top of page). Are you more naturally a "Greek" or "Hebrew" thinker? Comment on how that preference may help or hinder your grasping the worldview of the Bible, (10 pts)
2)Summarize the article (the whole article, or one section you liked) on bounded and centered sets found here. What new insights about set theory did you read about here?(for additional short posts on sets, see 8/31 and 9/4) ,
Do you agree with the suggestion that bounded sets are more "Greek," and centered sets more "Hebrew"? Which--bounded or centered--do you more naturally think in, and how might that help or hinder your understanding the Bible? (15 pts)
3)Draw, or describe, two of the suggested ways that Matthew might be diagrammed from a literary-thematic perspective (see red and white chart here,
Then, for one of the ways, talk about practical implications of the practical point of that diagram, and what it means for you in your contemporary world. (15 pts)
4)Suggest two episodes from Jesus' life where he revisited a version of one of the original three temptations. You can use one of the examples Vander Laan gives here (or one is here), but be sure that at least one of your examples is your own observation, and not from Vander Laan's list. Discuss and make a case for both your examples. (20 pts)
5)How does Kraybill categorize the three temptations (chapters 2-4)? That is, which sphere of society does he equate with each? Then, for one of the three, summarize and assess/critique his argument, using at least one quote from the relevant chapter (2, 3, or 4). (10 points)
6a)Write a paragraph summary of what your group (or you) found interesting or challenging from your assigned section (below) of Kraybill...see 11/4 notes. For this question, unlike the next one, you are not thinking as a member of your team/group (Pharisees, etc) name would, but as yourself. (20 pts)
- PHARISEES: "Sacred Cows" -pages 163-164
- SADDUCEES "Myth of Redemptive Violence" -pages 190-191
- ZEALOTS "Stop Climbing" -page 226
- ESSENES "From There to Here" -pages 237-239
- MENNONITES "Triple Symbols" -pages 241-242
6b)Write a paragraph, assuming the role of a member of the historical group your group is named after (Pharisees, etc.) om what you found interesting or challenging from your assigned section above. You'll need to be familiar with each group's culture/beliefs (see various sources: class notes, website links, followtherabbi.com, Hauer/Young glossary and index, Kraybill etc) to respond appropriately, and in character. (10 pts)
7)Argue, or agree with, with anything you read in another section of Kraybill, stating your reasons.(5 pts)
8)What do you remember about the field trip (or the Jerusalem video if you stayed in the room for field trip), (If you missed that day, a 6-part slideshow transcript of the Jerusalem video is here).
(5 pts)
9) From the videos we watched on 11/16, and the notes/a
rticles here,
rticles here,
discuss what what was the basic idea of being a disciple?
What was unusual about Jesus saying "follow me" and choosing disciples? What might be one reason Jesus eartly ministry lasted three years?
(5 pts)
10)What stands out about the church you planted on 11/23? What elements seem to be important for a biblically-shaped church? Were there any surprises in your research into characteristics of biblical churches 11/23 (see
(15 pts)
11) From the video shown on 12/2 (the video, and many related notes here):
- a)What is Phyllis Tickle's basic message in "The Great Emergence"?
- b)What are the 4 Great Rummage Sales (name them)?
- c)What happens with the "mesh sleeve" around each sale?
- d)With each Rummage Sale, the question "Where now is the authority?" comes to the surface, as well as related questions. What are two of the related questions in this current Rummage Sale, and how might the church address them?
- e)Each Rummage Sale so far has been followed by violence. How are we particularly vulnerable in this current one? How does the Mennonite tradition bring a unique positioning to respond?
- f)How do you respond to this interpretative grid of history? (total=15 pts)
12) Discuss what you've learned about Jesus and/or the Christian community/ church being cross-cultural.
Mention at least three texts or stories from Matthew that stand out as being relevant here, You may want to discuss the "temple tantrum" or the "feeding of the 5000 and 4000 (see this post, scroll down to where it says, ">>ALSO", and this), for two examples. (20 pts)
13)Has the three-worlds model of studying the Bible been helpful? How so? (15 pts)
14)How did you rate, respond to, and critique the class and instruction? What was helpful, memorable? What was not? (25 pts for any thoughtful answer)
Of course, comments don't affect your grade! (:
13)Has the three-worlds model of studying the Bible been helpful? How so? (15 pts)
14)How did you rate, respond to, and critique the class and instruction? What was helpful, memorable? What was not? (25 pts for any thoughtful answer)
Of course, comments don't affect your grade! (:
15)Who is Jesus to you? What is church to you? Talk about anything you've learned in class. Include, if you can, any ways you were stretched or challenged in your views at the 11/18 class roundtable with the rabbi and other guests. (50 pts)
Note: This is a total of 25O points...Number of extra credit points for question below will vary per student, based on overall assessment,
Note: This is a total of 25O points...Number of extra credit points for question below will vary per student, based on overall assessment,
Extra credit:
Summarize any insights from a
Vander Laan article or datafile you choose from the list here.