What's on the midterm?

Q.what's on the midterm?

A. No surprises: All questions, and links to most answers below!
(Remember that we will do a full review of the questions and answers in class  10/12, and that you are allowed to bring a one-sided paper of notes with you to the exam on 10/19.  Bring a bluebook, or sufficient paper to complete the exam...

Also, as you remember, there are two possibilities I offered as alternatives to the exam

Whichever one you choose, it will be due by the end of the exam period:11 am, 10/19..
Here are the two alternatives, with lots of help on how to start.)


1)Define  and describe each of  the "Three Worlds of the Bible"  as presented in Hauer/Young and class discussions. 
 Discuss the importance of the first two, and give an example from your studies which has shown how significant it is to not skip the study of them..

2)Respond in a paragraph to "The two fundamental questions of the course are 
Discuss, in  1-3 paragraphs, how the class has been addressing those two questions, and how you find yourself answering those questions.  Especially note any ways the class has been stretching or challenging previous assumptions.

3)What is a "bounded set" (Include a diagram)?  Give one example from Scripture or life.
(see  8/31)

4)What is a "centered set" (Include a diagram)?  Give one example from Scripture or life.
(see  8/31)

5) What is a "fuzzy set" (Include a diagram)? Give one example from Scripture or life.
(see 9/4)

6)What is an "inclusio" (Include a diagram). Give one example from Matthew.
(see  8/31)

7) What is an "chiasm" (Include a diagram)? Give one example from Matthew, and one from Amos.
(see  8/31, on Amos, see p. 77)

8) What is an "intercalation" (Include a diagram)? Give one example from any Scripture.

9)What is an "intertextuality"(Include a diagram)? Give one example from Matthew
(*Sometimes called "hyperlinking," or "story shaping story")
See 9/4

10)According the the Ray Vander Laan video on "Wet Feet," what ideas
"historical world" images  are symbolized or evoked by the J0rdan River?  What might be a connection  between Jesus baptism and the creation account?
(see 8/31)

11) The vide"In the Shadow of Herod," which gave us  a great image of the "historical world" behind Matthew 2:1a. What was the image, and discuss how Herod is a very different kind of king than Jesus.  Apply the lesson in your own "contemporary world."
(see 8/31)

12)When did the Kingdom of God "begin," according to many rabbinic traditions?
(see 9/2)

13)In what "literary world" way did Matthew seem to structure his gospel so that Jewish readers clearly got his point that "Jesus is the new Moses (of fulfillment of Moses and Torah)?  See 9/4

14)Describe, and maybe diagram, at least two literary ways (besides the one addressed in previous quetion) Matthew seems to organize his book, so we get hints of a main theme or question.

15)How does Grimsrud summarize what "God's Healing Strategy" is?
What vehicle or means does Grimsrud suggests God uses to carry out that strategy? Discuss ways you agree or disagree with this being the best way to describe the strategy.

16)Short answers (one word each)
 a)What continent is Israel on? (see  9/14)
 b)What is a rabbi?
c)A  gospel (when using the term as a literary genre) is a "biography with a ________."
d)Which of the four gospel writers is not "synoptic" and seems to be most different in his choice of material and unique in his style?
 e)When the Ten Commandments were given on Mt Sinai, it would seem for several reasons this covenant initiation was meant to remind Israelites of a ____________.
f)The Scriptures say there were three wise men.  True or False?
g)According to  a "literary world" study of the context of Matthew, the "upardonable sin" (or 'blasphemy against the Holy Spirit ) has something to do with consistently seeing Jesus as _______
h)The Hebrew/ancient world  "historical world" imagery and emotions evoked by the phrase "body of water" often  (contrary to our contemporary world images) would  suggest that bodies of water were a symbol of _____ (see  9/30).

17)Discuss the most likely meaning of the "temple tantrum," and how you come to this conclusion.  Include discussion of the "historical world"  background of the temple, and any "literary world" devices used in the text which support your thesis.
(see  9/14)

18)Say everything you can about the Pharisees.
 Be sure to include their attitude/approach to culture.
(see  Hauer/Young glossary, and   9/16)

19)Say everything you can about the Sadducees.
 Be sure to include their attitude/approach to culture.
(see  Hauer/Young glossary, and   9/16)

20)ay everything you can about the Zealots.
 Be sure to include their attitude/approach to culture.
(see  Hauer/Young glossary, and   9/16)

21)Say everything you can about the Essenes
 Be sure to include their attitude/approach to culture.
(see  Hauer/Young glossary, and   9/16)

22) Summarize Leonard Sweet's discussion of RRWI Culture and EPIC Culture.
Talk some about which culture you most naturally gravitate to and why.
Which does Sweet suggest is most like the biblical culture and "historical world" of New Testament times and worldview?
(see 9/22)

23)How does Nouwen restate the three temptations of Jesus?
(see  9/23)

23)What is the "historical world" background of "Drink wine mixed with rubber, alum, and garden crocuses; Eat Persian onions and yell out 'Kum, Kum, Kum!', Carry around the ashes of an ostrich egg in a cloth poised at a certain angl."?  What Scripture in Matthew does this relate to?
(see the links on the 10/5 post for several ideas)

24)Discuss the principle of "subversion."  Give a literary example from Amos.
(Grimsrud, p. 76).

25)Discuss what a "parable" is.  Include Eugene Peterson's definition. Compare parable to allegory. List three  items from the list  (what kind of genre was this film,  what methods were used in making it, how did it make you feel, how do you want to respond after seeing it ?) you made after watching the "Teenage Affluenza." (re-watch it here)
(see 9/23  and 10/5

26) Discuss a possible "historical world" meaning of of Jesus' words "on this rock."
(see 9/23)

27)What might be called the foundational or seminal narrative of the whole Scripture?
How does this relate to Jesus?

28)What is the Kingdom of God? Why does Matthew prefer the phrase "Kingdom of heaven"?

29)Talk about a section or story  from Matthew  that twas especially interesting or intriguing to you.

30)Talk about anything else we discussed in class, or read in the textbooks,  that  was memorable (anything you remember) or stands out for you.

EXTRA CREDIT (choose one):

a)Say as much as you can about "subversion of empire" based on our discussion and videos
on 10/7.

b)Use the language of "set theory" to discuss your life and spiritual/religious journey/growth.