
Click here for syllabus in Word format; also copied below:

Fresno Pacific University
Division of Biblical and Religious Studies
Fall 2010

BIB 300 (Section FR02-1163): Jesus and the Christian Community (for transfers)
                       08/24/2010-12/02/2010 (Tuesday, Thursday 9:30AM - 10:45AM, Sattler Hall, Room 101)
             Dave Wainscott, instructor: 974-2508
                                  Course website:

"Jesus and the Christian Community" is the foundational Biblical Studies course.  Jesus, his teaching, the community he founded, and the early years of the Christian movement are central themes.   Integrated with these themes are explorations of corresponding values from the particular tradition that has shaped the identity of the university.
Note:  Although BIB 300 bears the same title and works off the same description as BIB 100 (for freshmen), it is specially designed for transfer students.  For instance, more of the Bible is covered in the transfer course, along with introduction to the FPU Idea.

  • To promote familiarity with the story of Jesus' life and teaching, based upon a study of the New Testament Gospels, with Matthew as the primary source;
  • To point to the importance of understanding the story of Jesus and the founding of the earliest Christian communities in the context of the Jewish and Roman worlds; these events did not occur in a cultural vacuum any more than our lives do;
  • To show how the telling of the story of Jesus resulted in the formation of Christian communities and to explore the understanding of Jesus in several such communities today;
  • To encourage identification with and appropriation of the Jesus story in modern personal and corporate life, based on an examination of the values growing out of that story which have informed the history of FPU, such as Christ as Savior and Lord, radical discipleship and obedience, and the nature of the church as covenant community.  Also assumed are the propriety and the necessity of a prophetic critique of modernity and its pretensions.

Required books-All required texts are available on reserve in the Hiebert Library:

  • Bible. The Biblical and Religious Studies Division has adopted the NRSV as the preferred translation. This will be used in class, but you may use others for your own study.
  • Grimsrud, Ted. God’s Healing Strategy: An Introduction to the Bible’s Main Themes. Telford, Penn.: Pandora Press U.S., 2000.   6th ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2005.
  • Hauer, Christian E. and William A. Young. An Introduction to the Bible: A Journey into Three Worlds
  • Kraybill, Donald B. The Upside Down Kingdom, 25th Anniversary ed. Scottdale: Herald Press, 2003.


Reading and Class Participation: Students should read assigned texts before class and bring the texts with them to class (Bible, Grimsrud, Hauer & Young, Kraybill). Students are expected to come to class on time and participate in class discussion and group work.

Assignments (any written assignments should be typed):
  • Each student will respond, in written form (2-3 pages) or power point (3-7 min) or video (3-7 min) to the “Jesus and My World” survey found on the course website (under “Assignments”) at the beginning of class, Sept 2

  • Three times during the semester, students will turn in notes for a “Three Worlds” Assignment. Due at the beginning of class September 14, September 23 and October 7. (See course website under “Assignments” for explanation).

  • Students will prepare a 4-6 page response paper to Donald Kraybill’s The Upside-Down Kingdom. Half the paper should address the following questions related to chapter 3, and the other half should address the same questions related to another chapter (your choice):

1) Succinctly summarize Kraybill’s argument in the chapter (What point is he trying to make about the kingdom, or Jesus, or what it means to follow him? How does he go about it?)
2) Indicate whether you find his argument convincing, whether you agree/ disagree, and why.
Due beginning of class November 11.

  • Students will participate in the “Jesus and Contemporary World” Roundtable  (Details on course website under “Assignments”) held in  class November 18

Testing: Midterm October 19 Final Exam December 9
Exams will cover required reading material and class content; the final exam will do so in a cumulative fashion. For all exams, students are allowed one single-sided 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheet of notes. For all exams, students will be provided with a study guide in advance and a review session will be held in class. Students are required to bring a large bluebook for each exam. Bluebooks will be collected and then redistributed.

COURSE GRADING  The course grade will be configured as follows (1000 possible points):

      • “Jesus and My World” Survey              50 points
      • Amos  Three Worlds Assignment 50
      • Matthew 1-2   Three Worlds Assignment       50
      • Matthew 8-13 Three Worlds Assignment     100
      • Kraybill chapter responses 2 x 100 pts each  200
      • Jesus in Contemporary World Roundtable  100
      • Midterm                         200 
      • Final Exam                         250

                                                                    Total=   1000

    Grading scale by points (and percentage):
    A   = 930-1000 (93-100%) A- = 900-929 (90-92.9%)
    Excellent. Superior performance in meeting course objectives, mastery of subject matter and in exhibiting a high degree of initiative and self-direction.

    B+ = 870-899 (87-89.9%) B   = 830-869 (83-86.9%) B- = 800-829 (80-82.9%)
    Very Good. Very good performance in meeting course objectives, mastery of subject matter and in exhibiting a high degree of initiative and self-direction.

    C+ = 770-799 (77-79.9%) C   = 730-769 (73-76.9%) C- = 700-729 (70-72.9%)
    Satisfactory. Average performance in meeting course objectives, mastery of subject matter and in exhibiting a high degree of initiative and self-direction.

    D+ = 670-699 (67-69.9%) D   = 630-669 (63-66.9%) D- = 600-629(60-62.9%)
    Poor. Minimal performance in meeting course objectives, mastery of subject matter and in exhibiting a high degree of initiative and self-direction.

    F   = 000-599 (below 60%)
    Failure. Unsatisfactory performance in meeting course objectives, mastery of subject matter and in exhibiting a high degree of initiative and self-direction.

    Course Incomplete:  According to the catalog, incompletes may be requested for illness, accident, death in the immediate family, or other unavoidable circumstances that make it impossible to complete all course requirements as scheduled. Incompletes are not granted in cases in which course work has not been completed due to negligence or lack of effort.

    Missed exams, presentations, or written work due dates: If you are unable to be present for a test, class presentation, or the due date of a written assignment, you must inform the instructor in writing, by email or by phone message before the class. When there are recognized excuses, you                                                                                                                                                                                 
    may be able to take the test at an alternative time or turn in an assignment late without penalty.
    Written Assignments:  
    Format All written assignments will be double-spaced, type written with standard one-inch margins, stapled (no folders, plastic sleeves or covers), with the student’s name, box # and the course number clearly identified.  
    Citations Unless you are expressing your own unique ideas, you must cite the sources used and provide a list of works cited.  These must consistently conform to a single style of the student’s choosing (MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, etc.).  
    Criteria for evaluation General criteria for evaluation of papers are as follows: clarity of expression, organization of content, textual and/or logical support for positions taken, and mechanics. Proofread carefully all work submitted, as overwhelming spelling and/or grammatical errors may result in a lower grade or a request for resubmission.  Please use gender inclusive language for humans in all written assignments.  

    Late Papers: Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Late assignments will be docked 5% per class period beyond the due date, but not more than 40% of the total grade. It is worth turning in late work, as you can still get up to 60% of the possible grade.

    Academic Integrity/Honesty: Students are expected to be familiar with and comply with the standards for academic integrity as articulated by the Fresno Pacific Academic Integrity/Honesty Policy. Students should presume that all their written work will be checked against international electronic databases of student work and published sources to detect plagiarism. These electronic databases often add the submitted material to their sources to compare against other student work. By submitting assignments, a student agrees to these processes.

    Disabilities: Students with disabilities are eligible for reasonable accommodations in their academic work in all classes.  In order to receive assistance, the student with a disability must provide the office of Student Life with documentation that describes the specific disability. The documentation must be from a qualified professional in the area of the disability (i.e. psychologist, physician or educational diagnostician). Students with disabilities should contact Student Life to discuss academic and other needs as soon as they are diagnosed with a disability. Once documentation is on file, arrangements for reasonable accommodations can be made.

    We come from a variety of faith traditions that may represent differing viewpoints about the content of Scripture or about Scripture. Some of us come with many years of Biblical exposure, while others are quite unfamiliar with Biblical narratives and religious vocabulary.  We may discover among us conflicting modes of thought.  While it is not possible to assume common agreement on all matters of faith, it is nevertheless possible to be gracious and respectful to those
    who may disagree with us.  It is expected that class discussion will reflect an attitude of openness and respect toward others.



    8/24: Intro to Course and to Three Worlds of the Bible

    8/26: Three Worlds of the Bible/FPU’s Place in the World

    • FPU Idea Statement (on course website)

    • Hauer & Young: chapter 1


    08/31 Narrative Flow/ Creation, Order , Chaos
    • Bible: Genesis 1-11
    • Grimsrud: foreword, preface, introduction and chapters 1-2
    • Hauer & Young: chapter 3

    09/02 The Seminal Narrative/Deliverance and the Exodus

    • Bible: Genesis 12-24, Exodus 1-18

    • Grimsrud: chapter 3  (pp. 43-51 only)

    • Hauer & Young: chapter 4  (pp. 91-99 only)
    • ASSIGNMENT DUE:  “Jesus and My World” Survey

    09/07 The Exodus cont. /Sinai
    • Bible: Exodus 19-24
    • Grimsrud :chapter 3  (51-55 only)    
    • Hauer & Young : chapter 4 (pp 99-106 only)

    09/09 Sinai cont. /Kings and Prophets
    • Bible: Amos
    • Grimsrud: chapter 4-5

    09/14 Exile and Restoration
    • Bible: Isaiah 40-66
    • Grimsrud: chapters 6-7
    • ASSIGNMENT DUE:  Amos Three Worlds Presentation

    09/16 Orientation to Jesus and Church
    • Grimsrud: chapters 8-13  (skim)
    • Hauer & Young chapter 10

                              III.)WHO IS JESUS IN MATTHEW?

    9/21 Literary and Historical World of Gospels, Especially Matthew’s (Mt. 1-2)
    • All of the Gospel According Matthew (in one sitting if possible)


    • Hauer & Young: chapter 12

    09/23 Elevated Righteousness (Mt 3-7)
    • ASSIGNMENT DUE: notes on historical or literary world of Matthew 1-2

    09/28 Elevated Righteousness (Mt 3-7)  Review Matthew 5-7

    09/30 Deepened Discipleship (Mt 8-10) Review Matthew 8-10

    10/05 Kingdom Colors (Mt 11-13) Review Matthew 11-13

    10/07 Kingdom Comunitas (Mt 14-18) and The Presence of the Future (Mt 19-25)
    • ASSIGNMENT DUE: notes on historical AND literary world of a section of Matthew  8-13

    10/12 The “With You” God (Mt 26-28)/Discussion-Review-Exam Prep

    •           MIDTERM EXAM (Bring a bluebook, or sufficient paper of your own)

                        IV). JESUS, KINGDOM, AND CONTEMPORARY WORLD:

    10/21 Kingdomed Worldview
    • Article under today’s date on course website

    10/26  E.P.I.C. Times and Centered Sets
    • Article under today’s date on course website

    10/28 Jesus and the Upside-Down Kingdom
    • Kraybill : chapters 1-4

    11/02 Jesus and the Upside-Down Kingdom
    • Kraybill: chapters 5-7

    11/04 Jesus and the Upside-Down Kingdom
    • Kraybill : chapters 8-12

    11/09: Ethnocentrism: Which Side of the Road Does Jesus Drive on in England?


    11/11 Jesus Latinoamericano
    • Read: Article under today’s date on course website
    • ASSIGNMENT DUE: Kraybill  papers

    11/16   Jesus in Africa and Asia
    • Article under today’s date on course website

    11/18   Roundtable
    • ASSIGNMENT DUE Help coordinate the roundtable

    11/23    Jesus and Church Today

    11/25 THANKSGIVING: No class (Sorry about that!)

    11/30 Course Summary

    12/02   Last Class: Discussion-Review-Exam Prep

    • FINAL EXAM (bring bluebook) 9-11 am