Thursday, October 21, 2010

10/21Apples and Oranges, Sweet and Sour, Chiasm and Bridges, Tattoos and Buns, Jesus and his Dubbed Counterpart

The Sweet teacher(with apples and oranges)

The sour teacher:

This all led to some great discussion on how we cross the bridge from
Historical/Literary World                 to                                 Contemporary world.

The bridge:

Some "bridge issues" we discussed:




Remember the two C.I.E overstatements:

  1. Context is Everything
  2. Chiasms are Everywhere

Mike Rinaldi, a local filmmaker (and Fresno Pacific grad) told this at the first "Gathering to Bless Christians in the Arts":
Blake Snyder, the screenwriter behind the classicSave The Cat"  book became a Christian not long before he died. 

Often at this point in such a story, folks ask "Who led him to Christ?" 

Go ahead and ask. 

The answer is: 


It happened in large part because Mike, not even knowing if such a well-known and busy writer would respond to his email, asked him if he had heard about chiasm. 

Turns out Snyder was fascinated with it all, and Mike was able to point out chiastic structure and shape in scriptwriting....and one thing led to another...and then in Scripture. 

All roads, and all chiasms, lead to the Center and Source. 

Mike, of course, learned chiasm in JCC.


So,remember you now have two choices  for your next assignment (I just added choice B as  an alternative  to previously announced A (the Kraybill paper.  Note you are still responsible for reading the Kraybill book if you choose B) :Due beginning of class November 11.

 A) Write a 4-6 page response paper to Donald Kraybill’s The Upside-Down Kingdom. Half the paper should address the following questions related to chapter 3, and the other half should address the same questions related to another chapter (your choice):
1) Succinctly summarize Kraybill’s argument in the chapter (What point is he trying to make about the kingdom, or Jesus, or what it means to follow him? How does he go about it?)
2) Indicate whether you find his argument convincing, whether you agree/ disagree, and why.


2)Write a 4-6 page can be the story of your life, of your Christian life, or a story (or screenplay) you make up...
and write the story in chiasm; in the style of some of the larger chiasms in Scripture.  The chiasm can be literal (exact or similar words or phrases are repeated in parallel, mirror image, chisatic form in both halves of the paper), or thematic
(parallel themes).  On the last page, spell out (chart out and make clear the intended   chiastic strucure and parallels (for example, abcdefg/gfedcba, or however long you choose to make it).  

Some links to get you familiar with larger chiasms in the Bible are
and here.   
Videos are here and here .

Your assignment is to write your own, having.familiarized yourself with how they function in the Bible, so remember that you are not to rewrite a Bible story, and that the center of the chiasm should somehow reflect a central or crucial  theme of the chiasm.


The Jesus movie clips:

The first are from,  (these are all on one page on youtube here):
Jesus Video 1: Jesus doesn't have time for Peter

Jesus Video 2: Jesus gives rules for First Christian Church, and confronts a follower for missing prayer meeting for the Super Bowl:

Jesus video 3: Jesus tells all the disciples what they have recently done wrong:

Jesus Video 4: Jesus rides on a donkey, cleanses the temple,and steals money from Pharisees:

Here are the clips from Elevation Church; usually in a series called "Misconceptions of Jesus" (these are all on youtube here)

Misconceptions of Jesus 1: Jesus Club-Jesus Loves Righteous People:

Misconceptions of Jesus 2: Jesus Loves Red States:

Misconceptions of Jesus 3: Jesus Sells Insurance:


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